Geri Halliwell,她是谁?呵呵,不知大家还有印象不?她就是Spice Girls前主唱之一.这首歌出自她单飞后的第二张专辑中,Geri Halliwell演泽的很不错,音色中偶尔掠过的沙质感为这首歌多添几分意韵,温柔的思念让人爱怜,一声声呼唤动人心魂。而且这首歌也是花儿乐队的《已到花朵盛开时》的原曲。
Through distant lands 穿过遥远的距离.
Through mountain streams 翻山越岭,跋山涉水.
My rivers running through your dreams 我思念的河流缓缓流进你的梦乡
There's an ocean in between 你我之间隔着大海
Forever and never 永远,永远
Chasing shadows through the years 经过了这么多年,我一直在追随着你的身影
I whisper softly to my dear 我轻柔对你耳语
Be sure to know 你应深信
That I am here forever 我将永远在这里守侯
So hear me now 所以现在请聆听我
Calling out your name 呼唤你的名字
Burning on the flame 燃烧心中的激情
Played the waiting game 互相玩着等候的游戏
Hear my calling 请聆听我的呼唤
Hear my calling
Whispers in the air 空气中弥漫着我的低语
Hear a lover's prayer 听听吧,这是一个爱人的祈祷
(I pray for you tonight) 今晚,我为你祝福
I can feel you there 我可以感觉你就在我身边
Hear my calling 请聆听我的呼唤
Hear my calling