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Hand In Hand  1988汉城奥运会主题曲
hand in hand we stand 我们手拉手

all across the land 穿越五大洲

we can make this world a better place in which to live 我们能让这个世界变得更美好

hand in hand we can 我们心连心

start to undrestand 开始懂得了

breaking down the walls that come between us for all time 打破在我们之间的那道隔阂的墙

84年的Reach out的歌词没找到,sorry拉~~~

“月光女神”Sarah Brightman(莎拉•布莱曼)和“三高”之一的José Carreras(何塞•卡雷拉斯)共同演绎。Amigos para siempre(永远的朋友)
We share memories I wont forget

And we will share more, My friend, We have not started yet

Something happens when we are together

When I look at you

I wonder why there has to come a time when we must say goodbye

I am alive when we are together

Amigos para siempre means you will always be my friend

Amics per sempre means a love that cannot end

Friends for life

Not just a summer or a spring

Amigos para siempre
Reach——Gloria Estefan 1996亚特兰大奥运会主题曲

some dreams live on in time forever
those dreams, you want with all your heart
and i'll do whatever it takes
follow through with the promise i made
put it all on the line
what i hoped for at last would be mine

if i could reach, higher
just for one moment touch the sky
from that one moment in my life

The Power Of Dream——Celine Dion 1996亚特兰大奥运会主题曲

Your mind will take you far
The rest is just pure heart
You'll find your fate is all your own creation
And every boy and girl
As they come into this world
They bring the gift of hope and inspiration
Feel the flame forever burn
Teaching lessons we must learn
To bring us closer to the power of the dream
The world unites in hope and peace
We pray that it will always be
It is the power of the dream that brings us here
2000悉尼奥运会主题曲 The Flame

  Is this the hope of the world in my hands我手中的火焰是这世界的希望
  I'll take this moment, to be all that I can我将把握这一刻 尽我所能
  Look to you to see the future展望未来
  Stronger and free你将更加强壮 更加自由

  Today we will show who we are今天我们将展示我们的风采
  We are the earth我们就是地球
  and we're together again我们再次团结在一起
  My friends, will you show us the way我的朋友 你们愿意在这火焰的指引下
  We travel on, guided by the flame为我们指明前进的道路吗

Under Southern Skies——Nikki Webster 2000悉尼奥运会主题曲
    也许你会问,Nikki Webster是谁?她就是2000年悉尼奥运会那个从天而降,全世界都在仰望的小女孩!随着她的一个梦幻之旅,向世界展示了澳大利亚的传奇历史,当时,年仅13岁的Nikki在悉尼奥运会的开幕式和闭幕式上分别演唱了Under southern skies和We'll Be One两首主题曲,Under the southern skies尤其好听。歌词:
There is a peace in our hearts 在我们心中有一个和平的梦想
And a hope in our hands 在我们手中有一个希望
We\'re a family of children 我们是一个儿童的大家庭
we come from many different lands 我们来自五湖四海
Our time is just beginning, 我们才刚刚开始
Our race is yet to run, 后面还有比赛等着我们
But if you would take us with you 如果你能和我们一起
Then we have already won 胜利就会在望

Under the southern skies 同在南方的天空下
Together in this land 在同一片土地上
Every voice in celebration 每一个声音都在庆祝
A family hand in hand under the southern skies 在这里手拉手聚齐的一个大家庭
As one we rise 当我们聚到一起
And turn our eyes to see 我们会看到
All the wonders of the future in a world of harmony 所有未来的希望和奇迹都会在这个融洽的氛围中实现

