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Standfast(超快感乐队)----Skin To Skin

So I think we’ve said all there is to be said
  All the words keep bouncing around in my head
  Oh I feel so numb
  Please just take me home
  Seems like all the talking it took us nowhere
  All I really want is the touch of your hand
  I won’t speak a sound
  If you take me home
  If you hold me close
  Words have lost their meaning
  Silence is our haven
  I love you more
  You and me
  Skin to skin
  So it all begins
  If I start to scream from the top of my lungs
  It would make no difference I’d still be alone
  It would leave you numb
  The words would echo on
  Rockets can be flown all the way to the moon
  So much we can do yet we fail to get through
  To one another me and you
  A traffic jam of words
  Can’t move forward, can’t reverse
  Words have lost their meaning
  Silence is our haven
  I love you more
  Silence it will save us
  Making room for our love
  Yes it will
  You and me
  Skin to skin
  So it all begins
捧你在手里你是杯子 ,手一松你就是一堆玻璃渣子 。
原帖由 ws64 于 2008-8-6 22:07 发表
瑞典的 .
捧你在手里你是杯子 ,手一松你就是一堆玻璃渣子 。

