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在云端歌唱 如天使啼咛!Denean-----<Angels Calling Me >

Denean  ----Angels calling me

Angels calling me
Angels calling me
In the night
Something I must see
Something I must see
In this night
Such a night

Stars in the sky
Universe is passing by...
Freely I fly with angels
Calling me
Angels calling me
Angels calling me
Angels calling me ...
In the night

I am spiraling softly turning free...
In the night
Angels whispering
As they sing to me on this night
Such a night

Stars in the sky
Sister moon is passing by
Freely I fly with the angels...
Calling me
Angels calling me
Angels calling me
Angels calling me...
In the night
Such a night

Angels calling
Angels calling

On this night I see...
Every part of me
Hold this light
It's your heart I see
You are part of me...
You are light
Gentle light
Angels calling ...
You are light
Angels calling..
Hold this light
Angels calling...
You are light
Angels calling ...
From the light

Angels calling
Angels calling
Angels calling
Angels calling
Angels calling
Angels calling
Angels calling
捧你在手里你是杯子 ,手一松你就是一堆玻璃渣子 。

