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Dido的white flag 悠远又切近,洗尽铅尘难离忧伤,声音很开阔,在心胸荡漾。

Whit Flag
I know you think that I shouldn't still love you or tell you that.
??But if I didn't say it well I'd still have felt it,
??where's the sense in that.
??I promise I'm not trying to make your life harder or return to where we were,
??but I will go down with this ship and I won't put my hands up and surrender.
??There will be no white flag above my door,
??I'm in love and always will be.
??I know I left too much mess and destruction to come back again.
??And I cause nothing but trouble,
??I understand if you can't talk to me again.
??And if you live by the rules of it's over then I'm sure that makes sense,
??but I will go down with this ship and I won't put my hands up and surrender,
??There will be no white flag above my door,
??I'm in love and always will be,
??And when we meet, which I'm sure we will
??All that was there, will be there still
??I'll let it pass, and hold my tongue
??And you will think, that I've moved on
??I will go down with this ship…
?? 很喜欢Dido的这首歌,而且也很喜欢这首歌的中文译名——《为爱投降》。
?? 很久没有听英文歌了,但这首歌,久听不厌。于是,我又找了几首Dido的歌曲,Life For Rent,但是最喜欢的还是这首Whit Flag,荡气回肠,感受得真切的,是一个为爱甘愿付出一切的女人,和愿意付出一切的心灵。一个普通的爱情故事,经Dido的演译,也变得如此振奋,浓烈。
?? 有时悠远,悠远又切近。洗尽铅尘又难离忧伤,声音很开阔,在心胸荡漾。
??There will be no white flag above my door,
?? I'm in love and always will be.

[ 本帖最后由 lw0224 于 2007-3-15 22:45 编辑 ]
没有歌词的那部分音乐才动感!稍微延长点才好!!那节奏感觉很好:D :)

